Where will the wedding take place?

The wedding ceremony and reception will be held at Lady Lake SDA Church.

231 Lake Griffin Road, Lady Lake, FL

Google Maps Link

What time should I arrive and when will it end?

The ceremony will begin at 11:00am, so please arrive 15-20 minutes early. The reception starts directly after the ceremony and lunch will be included. The reception will end at 2:30pm.

How can I help?

The reception will be Italian style potluck hosted by the bride’s church. If you’d like to help provide food or clean up afterwards, please reach out to our reception coordinator Jean Rieser (774-230-5067).

Can I take pictures?

We welcome your photos of our special day! Please do so in a non-disruptive manner, with no flash, and remaining seated during the ceremony. At the reception, photo-ops will abound! The bride and groom would love the opportunity to take a selfie with you, so don’t be shy!

Will lodging be provided if I’m coming from out of town?

Unfortunately we’re operating on a tight budget and while we’d love to treat all our guests to VIP accommodations… You’ll most likely be on your own for that one. But please don’t hesitate to reach out for recommendations or if any specific issues occur! If you need transportation to or from an airport, we can most likely arrange that.

Should I bring a gift?

We’re grateful just to have you in our lives, but if you choose to share a gift or a card, you can check our registries for ideas. We’ve opted for gift card and cash funds only to limit the amount of items the bride will have to pack (she’ll be moving to Maryland!)

Is there a dress code?

If you have an aloha shirt, we’d love to see it! Otherwise, we have no specific requirements for guest attire =)

Will the ceremony be livestreamed?

Thanks to our wonderful venue, which is already equipped for livestreaming, the ceremony will be available to watch live or recorded after the fact.

Watch directly from this website

or on YouTube

My question wasn’t answered.

Still a little fuzzy on some details? Here’s some numbers you can contact for further questions:

the bride: (407) 491-0977

the groom: (808) 238-9805

the coordinator: Chris Roush (352-804-7285)

reception coordinators: Elizabeth Bradley (407-230-7833) and Jean Rieser (774-230-5067)